Parents influence
The current technological revolution has brought about changes in the way people communicate, socialise and interact with each other, and the abundance of digital screens has finally reached our children. Nowadays, children have unprecedented access to the digital space, which can be both a blessing and a curse for the parents, especially when it comes to managing screen-time and children’s subsequent addiction.
Parents can have a great influence on the way their children use digital screens, both as a tool of entertainment or reinforcement as well as an educational resource. Parents can provide guidance, age-appropriate limits and an environment that is conducive to good digital-screen habits. I will explain the role of parents in managing their children’s addiction to digital screens, and suggest some practical tips for encouraging positive digital-screen habits at home.
Parents have an important role to play in managing their children's addiction to digital screens. Parents should be aware of the types of screens and digital activities that their children use, and pay attention to how much time they are spending on such activities. Additionally, they should be aware of the types of content their children are consuming and how the content may affect their behaviour and development.
A good way to start is to set clear rules concerning children’s use of digital screens and maintaining these boundaries consistently. Parents should also help children understand why these rules are in place.